Re-igniting & re-claiming your playful individuality.
There's been a lot of cosmic, planetary activity in the last week that is doing its very best to gently wake and shake us from our cozy, winter slumber.
It has felt like being awoken from the best kind of nap - where you are so warm and comfortable that you barely breathe - let alone move. But as we all know... even the best kind of naps eventually come to an end!
So what specifically has been happening in the heavens this week that prompted the biiiiiiiiiggggg stretch and return to the world?
Well, the big topic of interest was the move of Pluto into Aquarius - which has been talked about for a long time as a pivotal move...
(Pam Gregory is one of my go-to astrology resources and she talks about it more in depth here, if you're interested!)
We also had the Sun move into Aquarius this week, encouraging us to push the boundaries of our comfort zones, and embrace a more expansive vision of our lives.
Aquarius energy is all about community and collaboration - building a future that supports us all collectively. At the same time, encouraging you to break away from what's normal and expected, so that you can tap into your individual passions and express yourself in new ways.
As of the last couple of days, all planets are now direct until April, so there is a concentrated focus of all energy moving forward.
The Chariot card has been consistently showing up in readings in the last week, personally and with clients, and this definitely supports that astrological energy.
We've been working hard during the recent retrogrades to reflect and integrate, make some decisions on what is coming forward into the future, and what is falling away.
Now all of our horses are falling into alignment, and all the energy can be directed on moving forward with purpose - and speed.
Added to the mix was the Full Moon in Leo, a time of release and reset. The themes are independent self-expression and exploring your creative potential. This is a good time to (re)connect to your inner child, reclaim your individuality, and embrace your playful nature.
"Learning what makes you unique may require facing fear and discomfort, but it is essential for growth. Embarking on this journey can help you reconnect with your truth and move forward courageously. Allow yourself to take risks and venture into new opportunities. Embrace the power of transformation, be brave, and stay true to yourself."
Then looking immediately ahead, there's the upcoming New Moon in Aquarius, which is going to be a great time to tap into your innate sense of purpose & authentic leadership. Time to let go of the stale and outdated so that you can embrace fresh ideas, radical visions, and creative uses of technology.
There's a lot going on! And it will continue to be as energetically charged, is my understanding for the rest of this year.
So it's definitely a good idea to make sure your grounding and clearing techniques have been brushed up on and you have them to hand!
And be prepared to keep a hold of the reins on where your chariot is heading... so that it doesn't get derailed by the desires and agendas of others.
This week was also a personal milestone for me. I just planted my personal intentions seeds for my Growth Cycle ahead... and I have now gone underground into the dark for my phase of germinating - letting the pure potentiality pressure build up before I see the sun on my Rebirth Day in March.
It's always a really poignant, sacred moment of the year.
There's the excitement of knowing that anything's possible if I'm willing to listen to what my Soul is asking the area of growth to be this year - and then commit my energy, time, and full attention to it.
Then there's the responsibility that comes from knowing that once that commitment is made, it's now in my hands to work on becoming the person this year that will resonate with what I'm creating.
So, let the 2024 Growth Cycle adventures begin!
I'll keep you posted as I navigate throughout my own journey this year... and, as always, I'd love to hear how your path is unfolding, too.
Where are you on your Growth Cycle? What support do you need right now? What celebrations would you like to share?