Join me for a
of getting out of your head &
into your inner knowing!
May 1 - 11, 2022
Through a simple, daily guided practice, delivered straight to your inbox, you will work on strengthening & expanding your
intuitive intelligence
You know you know, but you don't know how you know you know.
What you can expect...
Check your inbox first thing each morning to discover the intuitive guidance for the day ahead. Including a 10-15 min teaching video & the overview of the oracle card messages for that day.
Each day I'll be pulling oracle card guidance for all of us, and you'll get the chance to also pull your own.
A guided audio journey to help you get grounded and in the here and now in your body - so you can listen! The perfect way to start the day, or just before you receive your guidance messages.
Daily journal prompts to start the day & reflection worksheets for the end of each day will allow you to get your intuitive hits out into the world.

Enter to Win
A free, live, deep-dive reading
for your month ahead
(value $245)
And select runners up will win a recorded reading with guidance for their upcoming month!
(Full details given during the journey)
“Intuition is a reminder of the power of the human spirit.”
— John Holland
What prevents you from accessing
and trusting your intuition?
Your intellect
That's right... The very thing that makes you feel 'smarter' actually gets in the way of making you feel grounded & strong.
Being okay with not knowing intellectually, creates the space for your inner knowing to be heard.
Seeking to constantly understand may be the very thing that's keeping you from truly understanding!
You are here, reading this right now, because something is pulling at you to listen.
Trust yourself. Trust your intuition.
If this is the right next step for you, you know it is. So trust that knowing and take action.
(If it doesn't resonate for you, trust that, too!)
What is your intuition telling you right now?

Join me for a
of getting out of your head &
into your inner knowing!
May 1 - 11, 2022
All on your own time and your own terms...
You do you!
I'll make suggestions... you make decisions!

Kate Vanden Bos
Intuitive, guide & nature-based coach.
I know two things to be TRUE . . .
Your Soul always knows what path to take. And the natural world is our ally - and both are talking to us ALL of the time.
You just need to remember how to Listen
Kate Vanden Bos specializes in guiding you to live a life that is led by the magic of your intuition – one that is off of the ‘normal’ beaten path, and can often go against the pressure of the ‘shoulds’ – but is invariably FULL of adventure, exhilaration, and provides a completely fresh look at the landscape of your life! She explores with her clients the ways in which the natural world of spirit is always talking to you – and it’s very chatty! To be able to hear it, you need to learn to listen. And it’s easier than you might think…