Thriving as an Introvert
(in an extroverted world!)
with Andreea Sandu

• What it means to thrive as an introvert in a world designed for extroverts.
• How do you get out of your own way, get in alignment with what's natural for you and make a fulfilling life out of it.
• What is the introvert’s superpower and how to embrace them to create more balance in your life.

Andreea Sandu
Andreea Sandu is a Certified High Performance Coach and author of “The Introvert Who Could." She currently splits her time between writing and helping creatives achieve their goals. Andreea considers herself a “visible introvert” and is on a mission to change how others perceive this personality type.
She lives in the UK with her husband, toddler, and 2 Beagles. When she’s not working or taking care of the kids, you can probably find her in a bookstore or on the exercise bike.